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Canada Royal (International) (B) (Abridged)
作者姓名:Henry W. Lane; William R. Blake
出版日期:1993/07/27內容長度:14 頁

The partners of a manufacturing firm must decide if it is time to dissolve a joint venture partner. Different operating styles and expectations were evident very early in the joint venture and over a three-year period, the business declined in value and the partners were in continued disagreement.

Fishery Products International
作者姓名:William R. Blake; Diane M. Hogan
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A93M003
出版日期:1993/07/13內容長度:21 頁

The chief executive officer of Fishery Products International (FPI), was considering the future of their new venture in Japan. Following several years of research and development, FPI had launched eleven value-added products in Japan eleven months earlier, and sales to date had exceeded all expectations. Despite this early success, questions had been raised about FPI's future involvement in Japan, particularly in the light of the dramatically .....more

Canada Royal (International) (A)
作者姓名:Henry W. Lane; William R. Blake
出版日期:1982/01/01內容長度:15 頁

The area general manager of an investment company must make the decision about whether or not to finalize a deal to establish a joint venture in a Latin American in order to comply with and take advantage of foreign investment legislation. Consideration must be given to the legislation, the managers involved, the search for a partner and the problems that arise during negotiations. A sequel to this case is available titled Canada Royal (International) .....more